Advice,Training,and Support All about Diabetes
The development of new treatment options - such as tablets, insulin and other hormones, as well as therapeutic concepts - such as training and discussions result in getting richer and more individual options. Each year additional new drugs are developed. In addition we achieve mellitus continuously new knowledge about the treatment of diabetes by scientific research.
The choice for one of these forms of treatment this significantly decides success or failure of the treatment. Basically, the selection is headed by following:
• Medical needs
oAlter and life expectancy
The higher the life expectancy of a person, the higher the risk for damages, also efforts must be more intense, to reduce this. This is possible according to the current state of scientific knowledge.
High blood pressure, elevated blood lipids, increased blood thrombophilia and overweight are common aspects of diabetes. You increase the risk of consequential damage to the blood vessels greatly, (coronary heart disease, stroke, and poor circulation to the legs, kidneys, and damage to the eyes).
oDiabetesbedingte consequential
If damages are already present, the risk for such complications increases significantly. Also in this case, the treatment must be optimized and adapted.
• Request of the party concerned
is very important the wish of the person concerned themselves, because only the relevant recommendations of the physician in daily life can implement in consensus with the therapeutic team (consisting of doctor\/physician, diabetes counselling, diet). This willingness of the person concerned is crucial to the success. In addition to training and setting for this is the selection of the treatment method of crucial importance.
The training is an integral part of successful treatment of diabetics. Aims to provide the information necessary for the day-to-day management of this chronic disease. Training should meet the following requirements:
• Training in the group in the group learns it is usually easier dealing with new behavior measures (e.g. insulin syringes, change of diet or more motion-oriented behavior) falls in contact with other interested parties much easier. The content can be developed together.
oGrup personel
4 To 10 participants are optimal
oComposition of group:
The composition of the team should be similar, that is to say everyone should have, for example, the same treatment (tablets, conventional insulin therapy, intensive insulin therapy or insulin pump therapy). The diabetes type (type 1 or type 2) should be considered in principle.
The training is by all participants at the same time started and ended.
• Individual counselling often is essential an individual counseling by trained professionals such as managers of diabetes or diabetes assistants to solve individually above-mentioned questions or problems.
• Training should be structured this refers is that there is a teaching and class schedule. The objectives should also be formulated (so-called curriculum). This includes the use of prepared training material, such as overhead slides and graphs. (Training programs see below).
• That training should be evaluated his this means that a scientific review on the basis of a study has demonstrated the effectiveness of the training.
• Individual counselling often is essential an individual counseling by trained professionals such as managers of diabetes or diabetes assistants to solve individually above-mentioned questions or problems.
• Training should be structured this refers is that there is a teaching and class schedule. The objectives should also be formulated (so-called curriculum). This includes the use of prepared training material, such as overhead slides and graphs. (Training programs see below).
• That training should be evaluated his this means that a scientific review on the basis of a study has demonstrated the effectiveness of the training.
• Training of training force as of an adult is the learning behavior in General other than in children. Should therefore respect the principles of adult education. This requires specific training. Recognised by the German diabetes society there is the possibility of training on one \/ a diabetes consultant or diabetes Assistant for this.
• Output of was diabetes
• Technical qualification training room, overhead projector, beamer, flipchart, Blackboard, quality-assured blood glucose monitoring in practice.
• The following training courses are currently offered:
oTyp 1 diabetics
oTyp 2 diabetics
oAdditional training for diabetics.

On training and recruitment, taking care of diabetic join seamlessly. It ensures that the personal treatment also in the long term objectives. To do this, for example of the German diabetes serves society issued health diabetes.
This is achieved by:
• Establishing the personal treatment targets
• Definition and documentation of the quarterly and annual inspection inquiries
• Frequency and kind of self-regulation
• Physical findings
• Technical report
• Eye checks
• Treatment goals for blood pressure and lipids
A trained diabetics, who owns a fully guided diabetes pass and reached the treatment goals, is optimally cared!
The Diabetes Passport can be very well the collaboration between family doctors and diabetes control. Due to the frequency of the disease and its proximity to the person concerned of the general practitioner for uncomplicated cases in people with type 2 diabetes is the first
Contact person. For failure to meet of the objectives of more than 1-2 quarters, a referral to a focus on practice should be. People with type maintained in principle 1 diabetes due to their diabetes in a diabetologischen focus on practice.
Such structured cooperation of doctors is the optimized patient care and is based on structured care programmes such as the DMPs and serves an economization of the treatment:
• Hausärztliche supply level
o Training Hausärztliche supply level of not insulin overmolded and conventional insulin overmolded diabetics
oBank transfer at the level of the priorities for not achieving the objectives or occurrence of complications.
• Focus on practice oPrinzipiell fachäztlich specialist diabetologische care
oSpezialisiertes diabetes team (DiabetologeIn, diabetes counselling, Diabetes Assistant, DiätassistentIn, PodologeIn, orth.) (SchuhmachermeisterIn)
oSpezialisierte diabetes supply structure (training room, meeting rooms, quality-assured blood glucose measuring method, Sofortbestimmung of HbA1c and quantitative micro albumin in the urine, special neurological diagnosis for the diabetic nerve damage, foot clinic, pump clinic quality management system)
oTraining of diabetics (see training programs)
oSupport on not reaching treatment goals or complications
o Support of type 1 diabetes patients
o Support of pregnant Diabetikerinnen
o Support children and young people with diabetes
oIntroduction to an inpatient treatment in a specialist diabetes clinic, if the problem can be solved not outpatient
oEnge cooperation with the referring doctor
• On diabetes specialist hospital
oTreatment of diabetics with serious complications that are not treatable outpatients in the diabetologsichen key.
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