Psychological Aspects of The Diabetes


Depression is a common psychological effect of diabetes. This means that the diabetic is sad, confused and may feel helpless about their disease diagnosis. Depression can be a very serious effect and may lead to professional counseling and assistance to help deal with the effects of the disease. Medical help should be sought immediately as depression should not be ignored. Prolonged depression can lead to weakened immunity and lack of physical activity---two main factors that could further affect diabetes.
Anger is common in many newly diagnosed diabetics. They may hold resentment against others who freely eat sweets and junk food. They may find it unfair that they are stuck having to make such drastic lifestyle choices when others lead the same lifestyle as them and are perfectly healthy. Anger may manifest against others who do not have to follow the same lifestyle changes and habits as they do.
Some people who are affected by diabetes may experience periods of embarrassment. This a common psychological effect of the disease. The reason for this may be they have to carry around insulin, blood monitoring equipment, syringes or wear an insulin pump. They may feel uncomfortable taking their blood sugar at a restaurant or at school. All of these factors can lead to embarrassment and shame.
Acceptance is often the last phase of psychological distress that is associated with diabetes. The diabetic will eventually come to terms with their disease. They will realize that they have to make healthy lifestyle changes in order to lead a full and productive life. Knowing that they can change the way they eat and take care of themselves will help them live longer and be less likely to encounter diabetes-related health problems.
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is for the child usually a serious event. It reacts with his behavior similar to such as in the loss of a relative. First of course is the shock in the foreground. The disease is rejected, and the child is trying to defend themselves against the disease. This is first in aggression.

It is important to achieve that the child is taken to a setting, in which it makes the best of his situation. Until then, a successful training can be performed. The child or young person have as possible should get into the situation that it feels abandoned or otherwise, as his same age playmates.
After the child has accepted his illness, the insulin therapy has no further effect on the psyche of the child. Children and young people with type 1 diabetes mellitus had compared to metabolism related children no further psychological abnormalities.
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